As I mentioned in a preview post, the Super Condom mini album will be released in 1500 copies. 200 of them will be with a little surprise. The surprise is a small box (4,5x5cm) with the above image. The box will contain -what else...- condoms (I think three pieces). Those limited edition copies you will find them in conventions, signings, comics events and at the bookstores of Jemma press.
The first presentation of Super Condom will take place Saturday 11th of December in Athens. More info about that soon.
tha exoun kai geusi??
Δεν έχω ιδέα αν θα έχουν γεύση Mike. Ίσως και να έχουν όμως γιατί το περιτυλιγμά τους βγάζει κάτι απο φράουλα ή κεράσι :P
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