Panel 1: "Boo-Hoo-Hoo!" "Enough with that crying Magdalene." "Calm down a bit."
Panel 2 : "How can I calm when they are taking my child away??"
Panel 3: "What the fuck are you whining for?" "You were the one saying till yesterday that the army will make him good. Right?"
Panel 4 : "Boo-Hoo-Hoo!" "What a mother am I??"
Panel 5: "Pfff..." "It's your fault that he is so soft" "Sob..."
Panel 6: "Stop it now because he's coming with his girlfriend"
Panel 7: "Oh gosh, look at him!" "Look how cute he is with his new haircut!"
Panel 1: "Boo-Hoo-Hoo!" "Enough with that crying Magdalene." "Calm down a bit."
Panel 2 : "How can I calm when they are taking my child away??"
Panel 3: "What the fuck are you whining for?" "You were the one saying till yesterday that the army will make him good. Right?"
Panel 4 : "Boo-Hoo-Hoo!" "What a mother am I??"
Panel 5: "Pfff..." "It's your fault that he is so soft" "Sob..."
Panel 6: "Stop it now because he's coming with his girlfriend"
Panel 7: "Oh gosh, look at him!" "Look how cute he is with his new haircut!"